Coinbase wallet Openocean Dex custom token swap.
This video shows step by step how to swap our Polygon custom token, Emicoin, on a mobile device, using Coinbase wallet and Openocean dex.
Coinbase wallet is one of the most popular cryptowallet for mobile devices.
For simplicity, Openocean is called Dex but the correct definition is “Dex’s aggregator”.
Openocean compares the pools of various Dexs to find the best exchange rate between two tokens.
A contribution to the Emicoin project can be made on the Ocraware website.
To convince you of our good faith, we prefer that you click on the links below to visit decentralized finance (DeFi) DEX aggregators:
Discover the best deals by importing the EMI token.
We also highly recommend exploring optimal swap conditions and pooling your EMI to maximize profits on:
Below the token address for copying in case your favorite crypto wallet or a Polygon Network Dex requires it.
Link and tutorials: